Thursday, March 30, 2006

we've had daylights savings time already

the fluidity of time - something we take so seriously - is quite remarkable.


such a perfect thing. such a descriptive name.

some things are universal

last night i bought this cd at a little indie rock club, not because it was the band that was playing (it wasn't), or because the boy who sold it to me was cute (he was), but because it had song titles like "i gave up with my neo hippie thoughts" and "i hope you're well, i am and i send you my fingers."

i'm listening to it now, and it's actually pretty good.

the food

so i've been rambling for weeks about how i just want a baguette with butter and jam. that is it. well, sam and i have yet to get up early enough for breakfast, and so i am limited to cafe taken at the bar and buttery croissants eaten on the street.

i think i will never eat mayonnaise again. it's just way too out of control here. meat seems to somehow be making its way back into my diet - and not so subtly either. last night it was beef carpaccio.

as for the cheese - well, i adore it.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

years ago

when i was travelling by myself for the first time, i used to plan every trip down to the minute. itineraries were set, tickets bought in advance, reservations made. as i've become more comfortable with travelling (and with myself) my style has changed. these days i seem to just show up and see what happens. i am not sure which is the better system - they both have their advantages. but for now, this certainly keeps things interesting

today sam and i are off to do the only thing i am resolute about in all of paris: the centre pompidou. my favorite museum.

after that...who knows?

Monday, March 27, 2006

drink now...this is the youngest we'll ever be together

after a couple of days in amsterdam (ridiculous and sublime, what else?), we are now snug as bugs in antwerp with t's granny. we've spent the day smoking lemony cigarettes and playing scrabble. we had aperitif, and then a supper of cheese and pototoes and beef stew and wine wine wine. after dinner and many stories about the war we sat around and drank port and ate cheese and looked at photo albums named "paris 1952" and "rotterdam 1956."

this is why i make photo albums, i suppose.

Thursday, March 23, 2006



i am going to have some big-ass bruises tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Monday, March 20, 2006

Sunday, March 19, 2006

new york los angeles

new york is about instant gratification. you can pretty much get whatever you want, whenever you want it, fast.

los angeles is about delayed gratification. you have to plan life, think about how you're going to get somewhere, and how you'll get back.

new york presents itself to you. it is unavoidable. to find the wonder in LA you have to look. it is easy to avoid, if you choose.

new york is spontaneous. you have to work for LA.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

this american life

flying or invisibility?


Friday, March 17, 2006

one week

2 houseguests. 3 shows. 1 presentation. 3 papers. 1 birthday. capped off by 1 very long plane flight, and a whole new adventure. consider my mind boggled - and it's not even begun.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

this strange man just sat down next to me

and said: "phalange. look it up. that's all you need to know."

and then he left.

i follow the sun around my house

like a cat.

Monday, March 13, 2006

millicent and etienne

in the last 48 hours i've met both a millicent and an etienne.

i want to have little french babies names millicent and etienne.

i just never get tired of saying those names.

speaking of maps

i like to think these are the actual colors.

my kind of map

fallen fruit maps public, edible fruit trees in los angeles. check it.
now we just need to get this started on the westside.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

like it's my job

yesterday i saw a duck slip and almost fall into the water

i love it when animals are clumsy.

i am a 12 year old girl

in the body of a 27 year old woman.

i think that's apparent.

Monday, March 06, 2006

everybody's got a hungry heart

every once and a while i go to hypemachine and search 'covers' just to see what happens.

sometimes it's something as sweet as this.

i'm still not speaking to me

so i had to vent this somewhere:

crash is garbage. i usually don't really care about this kind of thing, and it wouldn't really have made a ripple if any of the other nominees had won. but crash?!? are you kidding me? it was the most heavyhanded, unnuanced, white-guilt-induced waste of two hours of my life.

and the squid and the whale should have won best screenplay.

the only worthwhile parts of the evening were meryl streep and lily tomlin's tribute to robert altman, and three 6 mafia's win, despite the interpretive dance.

i am so angry with myself

i somehow totally missed urban planning course registration. and now every course i want to take is closed. such a minor mishap, with such disastrous consequences.

i would smack myself upside the head if such a thing were possible.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

the gated community viewing platform

courtesy of heavy trash.

mmmm...the truth is, i just like lying in bed anytime.