a week, actually. i think this may be the longest i've gone without posting since i started this blog, unless you count trips abroad.
i've been taking a bit of a pause, if you will. circumstances have required my body to take a break, and i've decided to give my neurotic, over-active mind a break too. there are a billion things i could be freaking out about at the moment, but for now, just for right now and the next couple of weeks, i'm not going to. i am going to play wii and watch television marathons. i am going to read trashy novels and all of my edward tufte books. i am going to construct wooden insects. i am going to beat zelda. i am going to make pancetta-burrata-tomato sandwiches, and not drink or smoke. i am going to sit in the sun and talk to my mother.
doing these things, not freaking out - its harder than it seems. my life is a giant question mark, which is both scary and exciting. and - just for now - i'm going to be ok with that.