Tuesday, August 16, 2005


yesterday i was walking down the street on my way to lunch when i heard a loud splash. a splash on a city street in the summer? that's unusual. my head snapped up. there in front of me was a very large, very angry, very wet bear-of-a-man. someone had thrown a bucket of water on him from a third story window.

i pressed my lips together, suppressed a giggle, and just kept on walking.


Anonymous said...

finally! this will be awesome!

Felipe said...

Hi Amanda, my name is Felipe, i live in São Paulo and i have a blog at blogger too (beerstorm.blogspot.com). I´m trying customize my template, but i´m having some trouble with it. Could you tell me how did you change the image in your "Blog Title" and also kept the other parts of your blog as the samples from Blogger?


Felipe said...

Sorry, when i said "blog title" i meant "header".

Thanks again.