Thursday, January 26, 2006

i'd rather be working for a paycheck than waiting to win the lottery

i think this whole song is beautiful, and so i wanted to share.

but that line, that's the line for me.

this is the first day of my life - bright eyes


hiroshi ryan said...

pretty song. people need to write more pretty songs about stuff.

vyc said...

gehrkes I downloaded and then burned this on a cd and have been listening to it over and over again during my dreary commute to school. i don't fancy bright eyes so much, but this song. . .oh so dramatic! [c.f. the article on emo and problematizing rock history].

amanda said...

for some reason i find it soothing.

when i'm feeling all worked up it's like pressing a cold compress over my eyes.

i don't know how to explain it. it just reminds me of who i am and why i'm here and what i believe in. and what i want. which is a lot, for one little song.