"it warms the cockles of my heart"
which led to the inevitable question:
what is a cockle, anyways?
this, it turns out, is a cockle

1. Any of various bivalve mollusks of the family Cardiidae, having rounded or heart-shaped shells with radiating ribs.
2. The shell of a cockle.
3. A wrinkle; a pucker.
4. Nautical. A cockleshell.
perhaps they're referring to definition #3: it warms the little folds and creases of one's heart. i'm not sure, exactly.
but i do know this: it's good to be home.
I have to ask: which dictionary did you use to find the definition?
I have to ask: which dictionary did you use to find the definition? ?
why, dictionary.com, of course!
Excellent. And when something is amazingly, astoundingly heart-warming, you can say it warms the cockles and the sub-cockles of your heart.
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