last night i dreamt that i was walking down a dark street in a small mountain town. it was bitter cold outside and i could feel the ground crunch under my feet. snow! i thought. i dipped my hand down to taste the stuff but when it got to my mouth i realized it wasn't snow at all - it was sawdust. how odd, i thought. upon returning to my house full of friends (oh the little dramas and romantic twists among us - but that is a story for another time!) i told them of the sawdust snow. to them, it could only mean one thing: fire! fire? yes, fire! we stepped outside, and in the now-light sky the mountains were suddenly visible. and yes, they were on fire. as a visitor, i was aghast. as locals, they knew just what to do. we rushed to the center of town to join the firefighting efforts.
somehow in all the frenzy i lost my friends, and when i finally saw them again they (along with the rest of the town) were boarding dogsleds to head up the mountains. i ran towards them but my feet were clumsy in the sawdust snow and i couldn't get there in time. they were gone. i was stuck alone in the town square while all of my friends were out fighting wildfires.
but not for long. cut to me, soaring above the mountains in a giant yellow balloon. not a hot air balloon, mind you, but on the inside of giant blown up rubber balloon. this balloon was usually used to distribute condoms to the town, but i'd convinced the slightly kooky lady who ran it to give me a lift up the mountain.
as we safely alighted on the mountaintop, i realized that the filmmakers must have filmed that trip two different ways - once on the inside of a giant plastic sphere for my conversations with the condom lady, and again from the outside for the scenic view, perhaps tying a small helium balloon to the camera and dragging it up the mountain.
i'd always wondered how they filmed my dreams.