Saturday, November 12, 2005

last night at the bar

kelly, mary ann and i were playing darts, when a man came up to kelly, snatched the darts out of her hand, and announced (slightly flirtatiously) that it was his turn to play. they went back and forth a bit about who had called 'next game' first (it was us), but he wasn't giving up any ground, or returning the darts. my slightly inebriated and rather surly self decided to step in and reclaim our darts game. after a little hostile squabbling i just got fed up, so i took the darts from him and in my most condescending voice said "honey, we're not the girls to fuck with tonight"

at which point kelly busts out laughing, grabs my arm and says "amanda, you know we know him, right?"

i look over at him and realize that, yes, i do know him - he's one of kelly's cousin's friends and was actually at the bar to meet us. apparently everyone was in on the joke but me.

did i mention that i occasionally have a bit of an aggressive side?
it's my inner new yorker.

regardless, i'm going to have a hard time living this one down.


hiroshi ryan said...

there's nothing wrong with what you did. It was awesome and you should do it again in a heartbeat.

I sure as hell know I won't mess with you when you've got sharp objects in your hand (actually, that's a general rule I have not specific to you or anything).

Anonymous said...

wipe the tears away because I'm still laughing!!