Thursday, December 22, 2005

this is what i need to do

from an LA times article about living in small spaces:
"I tell all my clients to make three piles: the throw-out pile, the maybe pile and the keep pile. The keep pile is what tugs at your heart," says Rucker. "Then I tell them to toss piles one and two. If you have of lots of 'maybe' stuff, you'll feel like a maybe person. Surround yourself only with things you love."

The Rucker rule: Bring into your house only those things you absolutely do not wish to be without. You'll feel a lot better. Throw out that unsightly chair, get rid of clothes you don't wear or items that are only marginally satisfying, give away books you've read (unless you love your library, in which case make a beautiful one). Eliminate all that creates disharmony. A harmonious house contributes to a harmonious life.
i am beginning to feel...cluttered.


vyc said...

there is no hope for me.

hiroshi ryan said...

clutter? I can't even begin to discuss how much shit I've got in my room. I can barely walky as it is.