Sunday, April 23, 2006

julie says that i am too quick to give people the benefit of the doubt

that is, i tend to believe the best of people, unless i'm proven wrong. i like to call it optimism, although i suppose it could also be classified as naivete.

i don't think this is a problem. sure, sometimes i'm wrong and that sucks. but every time i'm right i am filled with wonder - like the world i want to live in might actually exist. i think it's worth it.


Anonymous said...

f-ing NYC has made me hard. or I'm just a cynic, but at the same time I think you're right and I wish I could wait to be proven wrong.

Anonymous said...

oh bah.

great, my first blog reference and you make me sound like a dried up old hag. i didn't say allllll people, just some people. and it's because you are a romantic. which is good, but just like i need you to check my hagedness, you need me to check the roses, butterflies, rainbows, and gumdrops...

vyc said...

yeah, doesn't it go something like this (setting aside my own skepticism for democracy for a minute): innocent until proven guilty? that's hardly optimism -- sounds like fair treatment to me. besides, we need more utopian thinkers.

hiroshi ryan said...

Here's what I'm thinking: we should live not as the world is but how we think it should be. That being said, I'm a total bastard sometimes because it suits my needs.

Anonymous said...

from a damage control perspective, though: it's fantastic to be pleasantly surprised by people, and it SUCKS to discover they're not all you thought they were. i'm not advocating for immediately assuming the worst about people - just for reserving judgment for as long as possible.

that's a whole lot easier said than done, though.

(sorry i'm so behind in the convo!)