Sunday, January 07, 2007

5 little-known things about me

tagged for a meme by miss v

1) there exists somewhere in the world a video of my entire family wearing wigs and lip syncing 'groove is in the heart' against a psychedelic green screen background sometimes in the early 90's. it has been lost to the mists of time. it is my holy grail: i must find it. guess who sings lead.

2) i just bought a robot.

3) i recently found out that my dad and i share apocalyptic paranoia fantasies - i've stocked my house with gallons of water, tons of canned foods and a crank radio, and he's planting a subsistence garden in hawaii - 'just in case.'

4) i can only stay awake during scary movies - everything else puts me to sleep.

5) i recently dreamt of being attacked by shapeshifting zombie pillows (i think this may be connected to number 4)

julie, this one is all you!

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