bowling season may be over, but today marked the The Great Los Angeles Scavenger Hunt of 2006. 60+ items and locations. 6 hours. 4 women. 1 car. there was craziness, tension, nudity and whipped cream. there was a very elusive dreidel. we broke every traffic law in los angeles at least twice. we talked to strangers and ran from security guards. we made it from santa monica to west hollywood in under 30 minutes (including parking) at 6:00pm on a saturday. my little car grew wings.
we made it with two minutes to spare.
and we came in a very respectable fourth place.
next year we're going all the way, ladies.
My mind can barely handle everything you've just wrote. Driving in LA??? You girls are CRAZY!
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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