i don't remember ever not liking simon and garfunkel. i have no idea when i was first introduced to them. i think it was a tape my parents had in their car, the one i begged them to play over and over again as a child. but i danced to them in high school, obsessed about paul in college, and rediscovered their dreamy twists and turns in my new york days. i had a hard time deciding where to put them in this chronology.
but this i know: it started early, and has always been with me.
baby driver - simon and garfunkel
I remember car rides with my mom when I was little and hearing Bridge Over Troubled Waters and thinking it was the most beautiful song ever.
Long live the chronology.
i can't believe how young paul looks in that photo. your simon & garfunkel mix (from a few years back) is one of my favorite playlists on my ipod.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
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